20年目を迎えているMOONEYES、今迄いったい幾つMOONEYESのロゴ付き商品作ったのでしょうか?話している私も分かりません、20年前の商 品を持っているだけでも大変貴重です。また一般に販売される事なく、沢山の人も目に触れる事も無かった製品もMOONEYESは沢山あります。
1997年頃、色々な過程を経て誕生したG-ShockのMOONEYES版です。結局販売用として市場に出回る事が無かった 幻のアイテム。当時、MOONEYES スタッフに配布された物です。その数はたったの50個、まず見ることのない超レア物と言える1品だと思います。数が足りなかったので勤続年数の長いスタッ フから配ったので、残念ながら全員に配布できませんでした。
"Introduction of the MOONEYES Rare Items, "G-Shock"
This issue, will introduce rare MOONEYES Product that was and is not for sale.
How many items with MOONEYES Logo have we made in these twenty years? Even I as I speak have no idea. I think It's just as rare to have 20 years old item. Also there are many items that were not for sale or which didn't appear to many people as only few were made or sold.
So this issues title is "Introduction of the MOONEYES Rare Items".
G-Shock watch by MOONEYES was made about 1997 after going through various kind of process. This item is a truly phantom like, rare as it ended up not to be sold on market. Only they were given to staff of MOONEYES. That Quantity is just 50. It is one of the very rare items that hardly has chance to see the item. Quantity was not even enough for all the staff, so it went to 50 from the longest with company.
I would like to introduce some of the MOONEYES Rare Items from now on.