NHRA Museum で来週から開催される MQQN Exhibit の準備に行って来ました。
来週金曜日27日に Kick Off Party (Invitational Only) を開催し11月の NHRA Final まで開催予定です。
南California にお越しの際は是非お立ち寄り下さい。
We're getting ready for the MQQN Exhibit that will be on display at the NHRA Museum beginning next week.
Next week Friday, Jan. 27 is the Kick Off Party (Invitation Only). The exhibit is scheduled to run until the NHRA Finals in November.
If you are in Southern California during the exhibit, please drop by for a visit.

NHRA Museum は月火が休館日です。
NHRA Museum is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.

奥の '34 Roadster は Dean MOON の車です。
The '34 Roadster in the back is Dean MOON's car.

Kenji Okazaki が Drive した Funny Car と MQQN Streamliner, MOONLINER
Funny Car driven by Kenji Okazaki and the MQQN Streamliner, MOONLINER.

販売される記念 Tシャツ "60 Years of Excellence"
Limited edition anniversary T-shirt "60 Years of Excellence"