Trademark が大変だ

中国でMOON Logoを登録されそう、また韓国でも同じ事が起きている。 どちらにも言える事は勝手に人のロゴを盗む盗人行為、しかし訴えた所で勝ち目は無いと言う事。 そのウチ中国製のEyeball T shirtsや韓国製のEyeball付き自転車を見る事になるかもしれない。 今の制度では盗人を止める事は出来ない。取ったもの勝ち、TVニュースで最近良く観る中国の商標登録事情は真実です。 商標登録は各国別々に登録しなければなりません。 インターネットの普及で情報が手に入り易くなったのは良い事だがこう言う事があっちこっちで起きている。 そしてそれらと戦う為にはコストが掛かる、インチキ物の流入を止める方法はあるにはあるがそれもコスト次第。 なら先に登録しておけば良いって思うでしょ、そうしていましたがこの結果です。 皆さんの会社のロゴも狙われているかもしれませんよ。 A forgery of the MOON Logo might get registered in China as well as Korea. It’s obvious that both of the registrations are stealing our design, however the places that they are being registered in won’t stop it from happening, even with an appeal. Eventually, you might see Chinese printed Eyeball T-shirts or Korean made bicycles with the Eyeball on it. The current system will not stop or do anything to the thieves. The thieves win. I’ve been seeing these kinds of incidents about registering trademarks in China recently on TV news and such. Looks like we’ll have to register our trademark in every single country individually. The internet has been great for instantly finding nice logos, but anyone can see anything without leaving their computer now a days. Of course, to appeal against those registrations and go after them will cost money. There are ways to prevent others from registering our mark but that also cost money. You might think to just register before anyone else but in reality, we did and this is the result. Be careful out there, they may be registering your company logo right now too