USA Trip Report / EURO Trip Report
どうも ! MOONGARAGE の Goshu です !
今回は、USA Trip & Euro Trip の Double Special Trip Report を お送り致します。
まずは、US REPORTです!
Hi! This is Goshu from MOONGARAGE.
This Trip Report is a special double issue of USA Trip & Euro Trip.
First is US Trip Report!

今回は、父の日に開催されるL.A.Roadster Show!いってきました!
This time I went to see the LA Roadster Show on Fathers day weekend.
The Southern California is filled with Hot Rodders on this weekend.

勢いは、その金曜に行われる名物イベント、SOCAL SpeedShopのOPEN HOUSEにも
推定5000人以上が登場し、かの有名なIn & Outのバーガーは、用意された5,000個が
クルマの数とまだまだSouthern Californiaにはこのカルチャーが続いていくのだと
There are Old, Young, Guys, Ladys, across the state, over the seas..
People and Cars comes in great mass to the popular event "SO CAL"
Speed Shop OPEN HOUSE, expected number of more than 5000 people,
And 5000 burger made ready by famous In & Out Burgers are all gone,
eaten by the long line of people. I was assured to feel the endless energy and interest to
Car scene and this culture will keep on going from Southern California.
そして!土曜はL.A. Roadster Showの本番!スワップに、カーフォーセールに一生懸命回ります。
Then Saturday, The LA Roadster show! Go around the swap and car show.
Many American grand dady are saying too hard to walk and taking all kind of ride.
The show changed its layout and many people asked "where is your booth? "Or" I Didn't see you!"
It is longer on side way from parking lot to the show space. Mean while looked through many for sale
Cars and parts and even things that don't know what to do with..
USのHONDA CABです!もちろん、本牧Area-1の遠藤君が新オーナー!
USA HONDA CAB! Endo of Honmoku Area-1 Staff is going to be new owner!
I cann't wait to see how it will be done up!
いつもタコメーターやMOON TANKも見ますが、こちらも高価!
This time I saw many selling number plate and frames, specially 30s to 50s yellow and big black plate
And you can tell many people are showing interest. We usually see many Tach meters and MOON Tanks too,Which are pretty high priced too.
次の週末にあるBORN FREE Bike Show のために居残り、
今年ホットロッドカスタムショーに来る、BEAN BANDITのFabianのShopを訪問。
MOON USAから東側の内陸エリアで砂漠のように暑く乾燥したエリアで活動しているFABIAN.
So the 2 days went by so fast!
BORN FREE bike show was on next weekend and so I stayed for the show.
I went to see this years Yokohama HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW
Guest, BEAN BANDIT Fabian and Tom at Fabians shop. It was nice to have shop in his house.
Thank you guys for taking Toms roadster out for a ride too!

やはりそうすると、San DiegoにいるBean BanditsのJulioのShopも訪問しなきゃと、
今度はサンデイゴに到着!WELCOME PARTYのように迎えてもらえて本当に良い人達です!
Willy に連絡!早速32 Roadsterで一回り!このクルマはむっちゃ早いです。本当!
Than I have to go to see BEAN BANDITS in San Diego too! And went to see Julio and Dan and all the guys.
Who made welcome party and gathered cars for visiting! They are really nice people and thank you for nice welcome.
I must see this man in San Diego too, Willy showed me his 32 and went for a quick blast ride, really fast.
サプライズでおとなりにはONE LOWの田崎さん!
Chabot Engineering、FALCONや、RSD、Circle City Hot Rod、Mark DrewsなどどんどんShop や街並みを周り、
In that week MOON Staff Matsuura showed up with Mr. TASAKI from One Low Motorcycle! Who came for Born Free.
So quick look around Shop tour, Chabot Engineering, FALCON, RSD, Circle City Hot Rod, Mark Drews and looking
Through the town.

ついにきました土曜のBORN FREEです!
ORANGE COUNTYの山の中で、でかいキャンプ場のようなところに、バイクも人もすごい数です。
Cole FosterやAaron Elliott、Jason JesseeにJacobs, Jeff Decker、John Kennedy, Max Schaaf,
Falcon, Mark Drews, Kutty Noteboom, Rico, Scott Craig,などなど、
本当にたくさんの人が参加していて、他の州からもDENVER CHOPPERSや、LOVE Bear、
と老舗の有名Bike Shopも混じっていました。
Finally the Saturday ! BORN FREE SHOW! Which was held up in mountain by lake in orange, guess couple thousand people
and bike came to the show and we tried to look all, saw Cole Foster, Aaron Elliott, Jason Jessee, Jacobs, Jeff Decker,
Gabe Griffin, John Kennedy, Max Shaff, FALCON, Mark Drews, Kutty Noteboom, Rico, Scott Craig and more.
There are so many people involved in this show and old shool people like Denver Choppers, Love Bear
Were there too.

そしてMOON がPickしたJapanese Bikeのアワードには、
Aaron ElliotのCBを選びMOONDISCをプレゼントしました。
The knuckle Harley Davidson present made this show famous and it went to one happy winner.
The Japanese Bike award chosen by MOONEYES went to HONDA CB built by Aaron Elliott and we present MOON DISC .
Lastly Best of show was chosen to Shawn Donauef Pan head Chopper.

I went around quickly in US, I hope you enjoy reading this, next report is Euro.
USA Trip Report / EURO Trip Report
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