HCSまで 1週間/1 Week Until HCS
Yokohama Hot Rod Custom Show (HCS) の会場 パシフィコ横浜へ来年開催予定日: 2015年12月6日(日) の予約状況を確認した所「HCSで借り押させをしてくれている」と嬉しい話を貰いました。
取り敢えず来年の開催場所の確保は出来たので今年を Shizukani に終わらせられれば24回目も開催可能と言う事です。
We are very happy to announce that the Yokohama Hot Rod Custom Show (HCS) has received a "tentative approval" for holding the event next year. The reserved date is Sunday December 6, 2015 at Pacifico Yokohama exhibition hall.
At least for now, we have a confirmed location for the event next year. Now it's just a matter of making sure the Shizukani Campaign holds up this year. If so, that will confirm HCS2015 (the 24th time) as set.
"Be Calm, Not Loud" Shizukani キャンペーン ご協力宜しくお願いします。
So we ask for your cooperation next week and support of our "Be Calm Not Loud" Shizukani Campaign.
We want to make it to at least the 25th Anniversary of the show.
土曜&日曜日の会場周辺の警備はこの Special ベストを着た "Blue Panic Security" が担当です。
On Saturday & Sunday, you will see event staff wearing this Special Vest in the surrounding area of Pacifico Yokohama to assist with traffic, as shown by "Blue Panic Security" supervisor.
Please be kind to them.
Pan Sumi's desk in a chaotic state during preparations.