HCS2024 Guests' Car and Motorcycles arrived in YOKOHAMA!!

先日、2024年12月1日(日)に開催する 32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2024(HCS2024) のゲスト車両は無事に Yokohama に到着いたしました。

いよいよ、HCS2024 まで2週間と少しです。皆様もラストスパートをかけているのではないでしょうか?私たちも皆様と Fun Together するために頑張っています。

MOONEYES Official Website での、前売りチケットのご購入は、来週の11月22日(金)17:00までです。以降は、MOONEYES Area-1 で11月30日(土)の閉店までご購入いただけます。

The Guests' Car and MOtorcycles has arrived at Yokohama for the 32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW 2024(HCS2024) which is taking place on December 1st.

It’s finally just over two weeks until HCS2024. I imagine everyone is in the final stretch as well. We're also working hard to Fun Together with all of you.

If you want to purchase the advance ticket at MOONEYES Official Online Shop, the deadline is November 22nd(Fri) 5:00 PM JST. After that you can purchase it at MOONEYES Area-1 until November 30th(Sat). Moreover, it can also be purchase at Japanese ticketing website, such as eplus, ticket pay, Lawson ticket and Ticket Pia until November 29th(Fri) 11:59 PM JST. To have a smooth admission, we recommend you to purchase the advance ticket.

37th MOONEYES Street Car Nationals®
May. 11, 2025 at Aomi Parking Odaiba, Tokyo
2025年5月11日(日)にお台場 青海 Parking にて 37th Street Car Nationals® が開催! 1,000台を越える Car Show エリアにはカスタムされた USA, Domestic, VW & Euro Car が集まります。さらに100件以上のスワップミート、大勢のピンストライパーが一日腕を振るう Special な 1Dayを Good Location な Odaiba、Tokyo でお楽しみください。

今後の詳細は、決まり次第随時 SCN Official Website や、SNS の掲載いたしますので、定期的なチェックをお願いいたします。

37th MOONEYES Street Car Nationals will be taking place on Sunday, May 11th, 2025, at Aomi Parking Odaiba, Tokyo! The car show area will feature over 1,000 customized cars, including USA, Domestic, VW, and Euro models. Plus, enjoy a special one-day event with over 100 swap meet vendors and numerous pinstripers showcasing their skills—all at the GQQD location of Odaiba, Tokyo.

When further details are decided we will announce it on SCN Official Website and MOONEYES Official Social Media.