MQQNEYES Racing Team

Sunday, December 22nd モテギで開催された Street Shoot Out Drag Racing に 69 Camaro, 72 Vega “Sprightly Fairy”, MQQN Bug Turbo and MQQN Bugの4台で参加しました。

On Sunday, December 22nd, we participated in the Street Shoot Out Drag Racing held at Motegi with four cars of ’69 Camaro, ’72 Vega “Sprightly Fairy,” the MQQN Bug Turbo, and the MQQN Bug.

今回はMQQN Bug Turbo を MQQNEYES Thailand Dealer の Owner Mark の練習 Drive が Priority.しかも MQQN Bug Turbo は20数年振りのRunとなりました。結果としては4台がそれぞれ2回ずつ走り、トナーメントは時間の関係で行われませんでしたが極寒の中楽しい1日でした。

左からPaul, Mark and Jar from Bangkok, Thailand.

This time, the priority was on having Mark, the owner of the MOONEYES Thailand dealer, practice driving the MQQN Bug Turbo. Impressively, it marked the first run for the MQQN Bug Turbo in over 20 years. As a result, each of the four cars ran twice, but due to time, the tournament wasn’t held but, despite the freezing cold, it turned out to be a fun day.

From the left Paul, Mark and Jar from Bangkok, Thailand.

初めてのDriveしかもTurbo Car! MarkはBikeでDrag Raceに参加しているの初めてのTryもなんなくこなし 戻って来た時は笑顔が素敵でした。

First time to Drive! On top of that it is with a Turbo Car!Although he’s participated in drag races on a bike before, he handled his first try with ease, and hen he returned, he had a wonderful smile on his face.

Camaro vs MOON Bug
MOON Bug の Red Light で思わずつられるところでした。

I was almost baited by the Red Light by the MOON Bug.

7月の火災から Advance Auto, Blues Mobile & Sugi Sack の協力で Track に復帰した ”Sprightly Fairy”
“MQQNEYES in Action” でお馴染み emi が Drive!

After the fire in July, the “Sprightly Fairy” made its return, thanks to the support of Advance Auto, Blues Mobile and Sugi Sack.
Driven by emi, who’s well-known from “MOONEYES in Action”!

69 Camaro vs 72 Vega “Sprightly Fairy"

MQQN Bug Turbo vs MQQN Bug!