2024年12月1日(日) 32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW を開催しました。今年も出展者の皆様に会場を埋め尽くしていただき、Full の状態で開催することでき、沢山の笑顔が溢れた素晴らしいショーとなりました。ありがとうございました。
Little help from Orange, CA
毎年様々な問題が起こり、翌年の開催まで改善に向けてブラッシュアップをしていく YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW ですが、今年は会場周辺の2輪駐車に関して問題がありました。皆様の情報拡散のおかげで、2輪、4輪の搬入経路の徹底、当日会場へ2輪の来場禁止はご協力いただいているのですが、Shizukani キャンペーンがスタートして11年。なぜ2輪が来場禁止になったのか、その理由を知らない人が増えている印象です。
On December 1, 2024, we held the 32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW. Once again, we were able to fill the venue with exhibitors, creating a full event filled with countless smiles. It was a fantastic show, and we are deeply grateful to everyone involved.
Every year, we face various challenges and work to improve for the following year's event. This year, there were issues concerning of the motorcycles around the venue. Thanks to your efforts in spreading the word, we were able to implement strict measures for the entry routes for both motorcycles and cars, and we appreciated everyone's cooperation in prohibiting motorcycle entry to the venue on the event day. However, as we mark the 11th year of the Shizukani Campaign, it seems that more people are unaware of the reasons why we are prohibiting the ride-in by motorcycles.
The venue has received complaints about noise from nearby apartment buildings, hospitals, and commercial facilities. If these complaints continue, the event may not be able to continue. This applies not only to motorcycles but also to cars. To save this culture, we need everyone's cooperation.
We have the power to both grow and lose our world. What we enjoy must be protected and built by ourselves.
Let’s all work together to ensure that we can continue hosting this wonderful motor culture in the years to come!
On December 1, 2024, we held the 32nd YOKOHAMA HOT ROD CUSTOM SHOW. Once again, we were able to fill the venue with exhibitors, creating a full event filled with countless smiles. It was a fantastic show, and we are deeply grateful to everyone involved.
Every year, we face various challenges and work to improve for the following year's event. This year, there were issues concerning of the motorcycles around the venue. Thanks to your efforts in spreading the word, we were able to implement strict measures for the entry routes for both motorcycles and cars, and we appreciated everyone's cooperation in prohibiting motorcycle entry to the venue on the event day. However, as we mark the 11th year of the Shizukani Campaign, it seems that more people are unaware of the reasons why we are prohibiting the ride-in by motorcycles.
The venue has received complaints about noise from nearby apartment buildings, hospitals, and commercial facilities. If these complaints continue, the event may not be able to continue. This applies not only to motorcycles but also to cars. To save this culture, we need everyone's cooperation.
We have the power to both grow and lose our world. What we enjoy must be protected and built by ourselves.
Let’s all work together to ensure that we can continue hosting this wonderful motor culture in the years to come!
そして、US時間の12月7日(土)は California の Irwindale Speedway で MOONEYES Christmas Party Show & Drag 2024 を開催します。この場所で開催するのは、今回がラスト。このタイミングで California に来られている方は、是非 ショーへ足をお運びください。
Moreover, on Saturday, December 7th US time, we will be holding the MOONEYES Christmas Party Show & Drag 2024 at Irwindale Speedway in California. This will be the last time the event is held at Irwindale Speedway. If you're in California at this time, please be sure to attend the show.
For more details click HERE.
Moreover, on Saturday, December 7th US time, we will be holding the MOONEYES Christmas Party Show & Drag 2024 at Irwindale Speedway in California. This will be the last time the event is held at Irwindale Speedway. If you're in California at this time, please be sure to attend the show.
For more details click HERE.