Last Show & Drag at Irwindale

2006年から MOONEYES Christmas Party ”Show & Drag” の会場だった Irwindale Speedway が2024年12月末で Close される事となりIrwindaleでの最後のMOONEYESが開催する”Show & Drag”となりました。

Drag Strip はイベントの Next Day 8日が最後と日となったのでまさに Event 当日は ”Last Drag Racing”!

Car Show も Irwindale Speedway で開催される最後の Car Show となり沢山の車で埋め尽くされました。

色々な方から「次は何処で開催するの」と聞かれますが So Cal Area に住んでいるなら分かっている思いますが唯一残る Drag Strip は Pomona しかありません。Pomona は NHRA Championship Race が開催される大きなFacility MOONEYES の Event には大きすぎます。では Bakersfield? Borona? どちらも MOONEYES Shop から2時間は掛かるのでちょっと厳しいです。 と言う事で今のところ会場に関してはNo Ideaです。

Since 2006, the Irwindale Speedway has been the venue for the MOONEYES Christmas Party "Show & Drag." However, as the Irwindale Speedway is set to close at the end of December 2024, we held the final MOONEYES "Show & Drag" event at Irwindale.

The Drag Strip saw its last race on December 8th, the Nexy Day after our event, making the event day the "Last Drag Racing" at Irwindale Speedway!

The Car Show was also the final one held at Irwindale Speedway, attracting a packed venue filled with numerous cars.

Many people have asked us, "Where will it be held next?" For those living in the SoCal area, the only remaining Drag Strip is in Pomona. However, Pomona is a large Facility that hosts NHRA Championship Races and is too big for the MOONEYES Event. Then Bakersfield? Barona? Both are about two hours from the MOONEYES Shop, making them challenging options. At this moment, we have No Idea where the next venue will be.

Last Showの記念Tシャツ等を求める長蛇ライン

There was a long line for purchasing commemorative T-shirts and other items from the final show


Many people were wearing old T-shirts, all of which were designed by Wildman.

Little Hot Rod Fan, Kai-kun
今年のYokohama Hot Rod Custom Showでも手伝ってくれました。
Little Help but, good help!

Little Hot Rod Fan, Kai-kun
This year he helped as us the Yokohama Hot Rod Custom Show.
Little Help but, good help!