Hot Rods on The Tarmac

Orange County International Airport内にあるWW II 時代の戦闘機や爆撃機を展示しているLyon Air Museumで Belly Tank & Hot Rodsのイベントが10am~1pmで開催されました。

旅客機等が離陸着陸を繰り返すBusy Airportでこんな素晴らしいイベントが出来るなんて考えらませんね。
久しぶりにHot Rodsを堪能しました。

またここはUSAで最初のDrag Race場、Santa Ana Drap Strip が設けられた場所でもあります。

The Lyon Air Museum, located in the Orange County International Airport, it exhibits WW II era fighter and bomber aircraft. And at that place, Belly Tank & Hot Rods event was held from 10am~1pm.

I can't believe that they held this wonderful event at the Busy Airport where aircraft repeatedly take off and touch down.
It has been quite a while since I enjoyed the Hot Rods.

In addition, this is also the place of the Santa Ana Drap Strip, the first drag racing track in the United States.

Lockheed P-38 Lightningに使われたBelly Tankは約300 Gallon(480L)ものFuelが入ったそうです。航続距離を伸ばす為にこのTankを取り付けたそうです。予備タンク(増槽タンク)です。増槽

The Belly Tank used for Lockheed P-38 Lightning contained about 300 Gallon(480L) of Fuel. They installed this tank to increase the cruising distance. It is an emergency tank(Drop Tank).

今回のイベントの主催者: Old Crow Speed Shop Owner Bobby Green! 何時も冴えてます。

This event’s organizer: Old Crow Speed Shop Owner Bobby Green! He's always CQQL.

彼はこのイベントの2週間前には、”Tail O’the Pup”(1946~2005?)と呼ばれる Hot Dog StandをWest Hollywoodに復活させたのです。

2 weeks before this event, he bring back the  Hot Dog Stand called ”Tail O’the Pup”(1946~2005?) at West Hollywood.