21日火曜日 VANS Shoes の広告の撮影で鎌倉に来ていた VANS Staff 一同が MOONEYES Area-1 に仕事の合間を見て来店しました。 On Tuesday Sept. 21, the VANS Staff stopped by MOONEYES Area-1 for a visit after a photo shoot in Kamakura for VANS Shoes. Dean MOON 時代に作られた VANS Shoes を嬉しそうに撮影、MOONEYES と Vans は Dean MOON 時代からのお付き合い、つい最近でも Vans/MOONEYES Shoes が発売されていました。 They were delighted to take photos of a pair of original VANS when Dean MOON first teamed up with Vans Shoes. Vans and MOON have been connected a long time and even released Vans Shoes a couple years ago. そのうちバイクを乗り回しそれを撮影するカメラマン? After that they took photos riding around MOONEYES on a bike. ほぼ全員がカメラを持っているので誰が本当のカメラマンか分かりません。 と嵐のように去って行きました。 Oh the cameraman? Virtually all the staff had top notch cameras and they were all taking pictures so I didn't know who the main camera was. But as soon as they came, they were gone like a passing storm.