
4/21 (Sat) NHRA Museum で Cobra 誕生50周年のイベントが開催されたばかりだったのに Carroll Shelby が亡くなった。 MOONEYES Dragster のフレーム、 Dragmaster Chassis の Jim Nelson も亡くなってしまった。 WWII 以後の USA クルマ文化を築き上げた重鎮達が一人また一人と別の世界へ行ってしまう昨今です。 Carroll Shelby は MOON Equipment Co. (現MOONEYES USA) で Cobra の 1号車を作ったのは有名な事実。 Dean と Shelby の間でどのような Deal があったのかは分からないけど良い話ですね。 と言う事で Cobra の写真を掲載します。 On April 21 (Sat) at NHRA Museum, the featured event celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Cobra got underway. Not too long after we all learned that Carroll Shelby passed away. Famed Dragmaster Chassis partner, who built the MOONEYES Dragster frame, Jim Nelson also passed away recently. The famous story of how Carroll rented the garage of MOON Equipment Co. (MOONEYES USA) and built the very first Cobra (# 1) is well known. However, I wonder what the actual deal was between Dean and Shelby. It's probably a very interesting story. That said, here's the photo Dean took of the Cobra after it was built followed by some of the cars seen at the Cobra event. Enjoy! Photo by Dean MQQN Fred Larsen シートに入ってるのは Fred That's Fred in the passenger seat